Author Archives: clive

Dinghy show wrap up

Thanks to everyone who stopped by at the Dinghy Show – I’m glad we went, it was a great success. I hope everyone who bought the book, CLUB SAILOR: from back to front, enjoys it. I you did not buy then, it’s not too late, just click on the BUY tab above, follow the prompts and we will post the same day, no extra charge.

Look out for book reviews coming soon in the class magazines for at least GP14s, Enterprises, RS Classes, Larks and the Streaker.

Next stop for me, Papercourt SC, Wed 14th March for a talk.

Confessions corner

There seemed to be a demand, so here it is – post your confessions of funny, sad, embarrassing or just plain stupid sailing mistakes here

Dinghy Show stand display

is gonna look like this I think

Club Sailor at the RYA Volvo 2011 Dinghy Show

The RYA Volvo Dinghy Show is the mecca of Club sailors, dinghy sailing and small boat enthusiasts.

So we will be there, in the Great Hall, Stand A7. Come along, buy a copy of CLUB SAILOR: from back to front and if you wish, I will sign it for you. No extra charge!


Winter sailing

Personally, I enjoy winter sailing as least as much as being out in the summer. Often the breeze is better. The racing can be too, with less people away sailing elsewhere or going on holiday.

The secret is that there is no such think as bad weather, just the wrong clothes. So get down to your favourite chandler and replenish your winter sailing wardrobe. A fleecy balaclava for example is lovely, even if it does cover your wind-sensors (ears). There are some decent, warm gloves around too – leather ones keep your hands wet – therefore cold. So if you use gloves, discard the leather variety if you want to stay warm.

Just remember that getting changed to winter-sail takes 4 times as long as in summer – don’t be late to the start as a consequence.

And if it does still feel a bit nippy, just think back to the awful, home made, 2-piece wetsuits we had when I was young. Anyone remember the poppered tail on the jacket? Hideous. A pair of jeans was usually preferable

CLUB SAILOR book raising money for Toe-in-the-Water

For every paperback sold in December, I will be donating £1 to Toe in the Water, a charity that gets injured serviceman sailing competitively as part of their rehabilitation. A quote:

“I absolutely loved the whole experience, and it’s brilliant being able to compete on the same playing field as able-bodied sailors – and beat them. On the boat we’re not treated any different – there’s no sympathy or fuss and that’s really what we want. It makes the buzz as we cross the finish line in front of all these top sailors even better.”

Craig, RAF Regiment

More information about Toe in the Water is at


Paperback and e-book now available from BUY page

Talk at FPSC lat Friday really well received.

If you would like Clive to give a lively and interesting talk at your club, please email clive at eplett dot co dot uk

Paperback book

Finally went to the printers yesterday. At last!

Kindle book

Got the book content formatted for Kindle today. Be here and on Amazon soon

Book progress

My sailing book aimed specifically at club sailors, rather than Olympic hopefuls, is on the home leg.

Some extracts posted up today under “The Book” – more to follow. Rationale goes like this: